JoJo @hombreave17
JoJo @hombreave17


Welcome to CJ Meta Events, the premier provider of Metaverse event solutions where we pride ourselves on our diversity and individuality

As the first Metaverse event planning company in Spatial, we are proud to be at the forefront of this exciting and rapidly-evolving industry
Our team of dedicated professionals is passionate about what we do and takes pride in being leaders in our community

We look forward to creating unforgettable experiences for you and your guests


Founded by JoJo and CeeCee, our goal is to provide you with the best talent in a wide range of fields, including 3D design, coding and development, graphic design, gallery curation, and more

Cynthia Crabtree, Co-Founder and Event Moderator/Curator

Cynthia is a seasoned professional with extensive experience in event coordination and moderation

She has a talent for bringing people together and creating an inclusive and engaging atmosphere at events, her ability to keep events running smoothly and on schedule is unmatched

Jo Costello, Co-Founder and Events Designer/Curator

With a passion for design and a keen eye for detail,
Jo brings a unique perspective
to event planning and

She has a proven track record of creating memorable and visually stunning events that leave a lasting impression on guests


To bring our vision into reality, we need the best partners out there

We've joined hands with some of the best when it comes to everything Web 3 and Metaverse related

Brian Life

3D Sculptor | Digital Artist | Animation
Music Production | Graffiti Artist

Vans Camacaro

Digital-AI Artist | AI Engineer Student Photographer | Mental Health Leader Web3 Event Planner & Curator


Specializing in creating unforgettable virtual and augmented reality events in the metaverse

We provide expert service and strive to be the top event planning company in the metaverse using latest technology, innovative approaches and expert partners to exceed client expectations

We envision revolutionizing the metaverse event planning industry by providing unforgettable experiences through innovation, expertise, and exceptional service

We are excited to be at the forefront of this shift


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